Next Steps with Tag:
Affair Recovery

I Heart Sex :: God Loves Married People

Gateway North, Branson & Online

4/10 – God Loves Married People

Last week, we learned that God loves sex because He created it and meant it to be fulfilling. Like a fire though, it can be destructive when not experienced as He intended in a marriage relationship. For most couples, it’s challenging to maintain a thriving, intimate sexual relationship over time. Our misconceptions of sex, differing expectations and the never ceasing challenges that life brings can all get in the way.

This week’s questions are focused on married couples and overcoming the challenges faced on the way to a relationship of deepening intimacy — spiritually, emotionally and physically.

For Singles, as you reflect on the message and these Next Steps, consider the question, “Am I becoming the person I’d want to marry?” And next week will be for you with the message, God Loves Single People.

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