60/60 Soul Revolution Experiment
The 60/60 Experiment
Soul Revolution challenges you to do a very simple 60-day experiment in faith, going all-out in a radically-responsive relationship with God. Read More about the Experiment Here.One day while I was mowing the yard, I began thanking God for the many ways I was experiencing more and more of this fulfilling way of living – staying moment by moment connected to God. I pastor a church comprised mostly of young adults, many of whom have tried most everything under the sun for finding the good life, yet still didn’t find what they’re looking for (as U2 memorialized in a song). As I prayed, “God, I wish you could get them to go for it long enough to see how good life is with you,” a thought popped in my head: “Do an experiment – challenge them to an experiment to stay in continuous connection and radical responsiveness before God.”
~John Burke, Soul Revolution
resource listed under Stay Connected to God’s Spirit